CM Serie

  • A) Las juntas de Buna-N o Viton proporcionan sellos positivos contra fugas.
  • B) Las jaulas de acero soldadas evitan la rotura.
  • C) El fieltro de poliéster proporciona drenaje de líquidos.
  • D) Tubos centrales opcionales de alta resistencia.
  • E) Los medios sintéticos y de microfibra de vidrio multicapa eliminan contaminantes sólidos y líquidos.
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Válvula de cierre de admisión de aire SERIE CM

Air Shutoff Valves

    • Engine Power: 4 – 603 HP
    • Mass: 1.0 – 18.7 LB


  • Height: 2.36 – 6.2 in
  • Combined Manual and Automatic Engine Overspeed Shut Down Valves
  • A range of easily installed diesel engine air intake valves that automatically close on engine overspeed, and also incorporate a manual shut down feature for additional safety.

The Fluid Power Energy (FPE) CM Series combined manual and automatic overspeed air intake shut down valves are designed for situations where flammable gas or vapor may enter the atmosphere in an area in which a diesel engine is operating.

Should such flammable material be drawn into the engine intake, this may result in uncontrolled engine overspeed, and a situation in which shut down of the diesel fuel supply may fail to stop the engine.

Under these circumstances, a rapid shut down of the engine is required by immediate closure of the engine air intake thereby reducing the potential for significant damage and possible ignition of the flammable material in the surrounding atmosphere.

The FPE CM Series automatic engine air intake shut down valves are suitable for installation in the intakes of either naturally aspirated or turbocharged engines.

Once installed and set, the repeatability of the actual engine automatic shut down speed has a greater scatter in the case of turbocharged engines than for naturally aspirated types. However, unless there is an
individual requirement for an exact shut down speed, adequate protection from excessive engine overspeed is achieved.